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Writer's pictureCharli

Coughs and Colds

Just before Christmas I completely lost my voice as the result of a nasty virus that arrived in East Lothian. He was delighted that I couldn’t speak! I developed a cough, was very tired and lacked in energy for a couple of weeks. He had it for nearly 6 weeks and was treated in the end with steroids and antibiotics.

Colleagues and pupils at school were similarly affected, although none for more that 10 days. It is rare for me to get unwell at all – I eat well, sleep well and take plenty of exercise. I can only assume my susceptibility prior to Christmas was being exposed to new bugs within a new working environment. I do also think that driving to work in the dark and alone has lowered my resistance. When I was commuting to Edinburgh every day, the train carriages were brightly lit and I was in good company most days with H, laughing and chatting which naturally boosts endorphins and serotonin levels.

In recent weeks I have had a return to feeling well and fitter.

I was a little surprised therefore to discover that I was developing a tickly cough two days after half term started. I assumed I had picked up something on the plane and didn’t think too much of it. However, further ‘investigation’ last night revealed that I had had most probably caught this bug from friends who in turn had picked it up from their adored grandson after a recent trip to Brighton.

I don’t waste money on cold and flu remedies, preferring old fashioned comfort from a hot honey and lemon, and maybe some aspirin. At the end of the day I have a cold, it will go away in time, and once it’s gone my immune system will be further boosted. To help that I am popping a Vitamin D tablet once a day.

I am also going to try and do without alcohol until the Easter break: Thursday 25th March. It won’t be easy, but I need to give my system a rest and can’t think how else to lose a few stubborn pounds.

I have heard that dark chocolate – at least 80% cocoa solids – contains Theobromine which is good for coughs, so coffee and chocolate it is for the next few weeks!

Coughs and Colds – a poem

Atishoo, Bless you, please don’t pass it on,

Stay in bed, rest a while, get better soon.

Pop a pill, take hot drinks, try to catch the sun,

It’s just a cold it will pass – pay attention

to continued health, with clean fresh air

you’ll soon be right back up there.

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